Sunday, October 7, 2012

Monster Apocalypse: Halloween Art Show

For Immediate Release:

"Monster Apocalypse - Halloween Art Show: Hive Gallery and Studios Meet the Seattle Alternative Art Scene!"

Join us at the Piranha Shop on 1st Avenue on Friday, October 26th from 7pm-close. Celebrate the best alternative artists from Seattle, and California as they come together to take for a huge group exhibition in Seattle with an apocalyptic and Halloween theme! This group exhibition will focus on an alternative interpretation of everything from zombies, ghouls, ghosts and all things that go bump in the night!

Hive Gallery and Studios and Seattle’s Piranha Shop present a coalition between California Alternative Artists and the Seattle Alternative, Urban and Underground Art Scene.  Curated by Nathan Cartwright (Hive Gallery and Studios, Hive curator), Xavier Lopez Jr. (Echo Echo Gallery, Post Intelligencer Alternative Art Blog, Seattle curator) and Zachary Sofia (Hive contact, Rock the Terminal, Seattle curator, Independent Art representative).

This will be a huge show, with artists hailing from Europe, New York, California and Seattle—but will have as its primary focus Seattle and California’s best alternative artists; including featured artists Joe Nix and Crystal Barbre!

Full List of artists:
Kyle Abernethy, Peter Adamyan, Deanna Dolph Adona, Carlos Aguilar, Michelle Anderst, Uwe Arendt, Anita Arora, Erin Asmussen, Brandon “Narboo” Baker, Crystal Barbre, Dave “Starheadboy” Bloomfield, Greg Boudreau, Nathan Cartwright, Damon Conklin, Larkin Cypher, Kassandra Davis, Jenny Dayton, Don De Leva, Braden Duncan, EGO, Yvette Endrijautzki, Don Farrell, Ian Douglass Ferger, Georgetta Gancarz   Hillary Gore, Jeremy Gregory,  Jeremiah Hammer, Levi Hastings, Chi Kei Ho, Yoko D' Holbachie, Jack Howe, George Jennings, KSERA, Matthew Lewis, George Long, Xavier Lopez Jr., Hestin Lostwood, Michael Lugosi, Paul Mckercher, Andrew Miller, Patrick Mizumoto, Roxy Morataya, Joe Nix, Naomi Nowak, Daisuke Okamoto, Richard Olmsted, Christopher J. Olson, Javier S. Ortega, Augie Pagan, Jethaniel Peterka, H. Lee Porter, Mark Posey, Ave Rose, Ripley, Roz, Alexandria Sandlin, Mat Savage, Sensei 23, Liz Sheets, Chris Sheridan, Erik Siador, Jamie Stone, Jason Soles, Siolo Thompson, 13fngrs, John Tingley, Tracy Tomko, Maritza Torres, Marc Tweed, Corey Urlacher, Joe Vollan, Mark Walker, Hera Wan, Bryan K Ward, Ryan Henry Ward, Brian White, Charles Wince, Solace Wonder, Terri Woodward.

I'll be there debuting my newest monster themed painting; there will be costumes, creativity, and craziness galore! So come and kick it with your humble narrator, and support your local art scene!

~ BCDuncan

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